A Guide to Love, God, Prayer, Meditation, & Peace Within You—Right Now

Jeshua Ben Joseph

Jeshua Ben JosephHearing the Voice of Jeshua Ben Joseph within you

Because Jeshua Ben Joseph—more commonly known as Jesus—is perhaps the greatest spiritual teacher to have walked the earth, there are countless ways to interpret his teachings and a wide variety of approaches to understanding who Jeshua Ben Joseph is and how one can follow in his footsteps.

One approach to understanding the life and teachings of Jeshua Ben Joseph is to study the actual events of his life. Another approach is to study the words he is said to have spoken some 2000 years ago when he walked the earth. A third approach is to study the words and teachings he currently shares in many different forms throughout the world, including books such as The Way of Mastery and A Course in Miracles, just to name a few.

A fourth approach is to join with the heart, mind, and spirit of Jeshua Ben Joseph within you as a means to not only hear his voice in a clear and recognizable way right now, but as a very powerful way to absorb and integrate the wisdom of his teachings in a very direct and personal way.

At the deepest level, Jeshua Ben Joseph is the part of your Highest Self that became the manifestation or expression of the Holy Spirit in the world 2000 years ago. This part of You, known as Christ, is ever present, eternal, and everywhere you look and see. You may not be consciously aware of this part of your Self, but at the deepest part of your being, you are the same Essence of Christ in the world. You are, in fact, deepening your experience of this awareness little by little, each and every day, every time you choose to perceive, hear, recognize, and BE the Presence of Peace and Love in the world.

The purpose of The Voice for Love is to remind you how to hear and recognize this Voice for Love within you. By learning how to hear the Holy Spirit as a distinct and conversational voice, you empower yourself to receive the same wisdom, power, and certainty that YOU, as Christ Consciousness, had in your lifetime as Jesus. This is how deep your True Self goes.

If you want to know who Jeshua Ben Joseph truly is, what his teachings are, and how to follow in his footsteps, the simplest most direct path is to learn how to hear His Voice within you—the voice of the Holy Spirit that Jeshua heard and shared throughout his lifetime.

By learning how to hear the Holy Spirit within you in a very clear and recognizable way, you are able to seek guidance, understanding, insight, healing, and comfort any time you desire, on any topic you desire, by simply closing your eyes and accessing God's Voice within you.

Below is a short excerpt about Jeshua Ben Joseph from the book, The Voice for Love.

Hearing Your True Self

Candace: You said that Jesus experienced the Truth of Who He was and restored Himself back to the One Child of God. Can you tell us a little bit about Jesus’s relationship to the Holy Spirit during that lifetime.

Holy Spirit: "When you had the thought that you wanted your autonomy and made the ego, while God simultaneously created the Holy Spirit, there was the understanding that this was a temporary experiment and that it would have an end. That end would be when all of God’s children were restored to God. Eventually, there came a time when someone stepped into the world with the hope, the dream, and the goal of hearing only the Holy Spirit and not hearing anything else. That person was Jesus.

"Jesus has been referred to as God’s Son, and yet every person in the world is God’s Son. There is no distinction here. The only difference between Jesus and you is the desire, commitment, and follow through to hear only the Holy Spirit and to not engage with the ego. This did not happen instantaneously, spontaneously, or at birth. It happened over time, as you know it in the world, with practice and dedication and the desire to think only Truth, speak only Truth, and hear only Truth. As a result of this desire and commitment, Jesus came to hear only the Holy Spirit and came to speak only the words of the Holy Spirit.

"If you want to know how God’s Voice sounds or what Right‑Mindedness is, it is the words that Jesus spoke in the world. When Jesus shared certain truths, perspectives, and Right-Mindedness, this came directly from the Holy Spirit. Jesus could have kept those thoughts to himself and not shared them, and yet what would be the point of that?

"It is important to note how many wanted to hear Jesus speak. People would flock to hear what he had to say. Many years after his death, people wrote down what they remember he said, and for two thousand years afterward, people continue to read those words. The power of those words comes from the Truth being brought into the world through God’s Voice as spoken to Jesus. Jesus’s body was used as a tool for communication and served no other purpose—that is how the Holy Spirit would use the body.

"Everyone desires to hear the Truth because that is what they are. They have nearly forgotten, and yet they desire that reminder completely. When one brings God’s Words into the world, many will flock to hear them. One cannot help but want to hear Truth. It is a part of you. The same Voice for God exists within every child, with the same message to deliver, and every child wants that message. The staying power that Jesus has in the world comes from a single-mindedness, the single focus upon Truth and conveying only Truth. That is very attractive indeed. Jesus has not swayed for an instant since then and continues to hold only Right-Mindedness and continues to be joined in perfect clarity with the Holy Spirit. He has overcome perception altogether, so all that is left is Knowledge.

"One often asks, “How can I maintain this perception of Right-Mindedness?” It would be a challenge indeed to try to fight for that perception of Reality throughout eternity. When one hears this Voice for Truth within them more and more and the ego less and less, eventually only God’s Voice is heard. The ego was never real to begin with and once Reality has taken hold of the mind, all that is not real falls away. That is when True Knowledge exists rather than perception.

"Jesus has True Knowledge, not a perception of Truth, and is able to maintain that Knowledge completely and perfectly for all of eternity because that is all there is. There is no fight to attain and maintain that Knowledge. It becomes effortless because Knowledge is all there is. Jesus does not have to question or wonder about the Truth of who you are, ever, regardless of your belief that you are something other than a Child of God. Jesus does not have to waste a thought wondering if you might be right about that. He has only perfect Knowledge.

"As a Child of God, having walked in the world in a body, there is the ability for Jesus to understand his brothers and sisters in the world and why they think the way they do, and just like the Holy Spirit, he does not believe what they think. One can therefore use Jesus in the same way as the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to work with their mind to be restored to Right-Mindedness. Jesus will deny you nothing, though you must ask for it. Jesus’s function is to nudge His brothers and sisters out of their sleep and to assist them in whatever ways possible in their awakening, and He does this by only seeing their Perfection.

"Jesus eventually became the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and you will too. You will become the embodiment of the Voice for God, the Voice of your true Self. It is only a matter of time, and the wonderful news is that there is no such thing as time. So in an instant, having remembered the Truth of who you are and where you have come from, you too will be the embodiment of the One that is."

About DavidPaul Doyle and Candace

For 10 years, DavidPaul and Candace spent countless hours counseling individuals in person, over the phone, and online in how to hear the Holy Spirit, the voice of one's True Self within. After teaching hundreds of people how to join with and hear this Presence of God within them over a 10-year period, they felt called to find a way to reach many more people.

Passionate about teaching as many people as possible how to hear this Divine Presence within, they quit their jobs and spent a year of their lives writing the most in-depth and practical book they could on how to hear this Voice.

They then spent two years traveling throughout the country teaching thousands of people in workshops all that they had come to learn on how to hear God's Voice as a distinct and conversational voice within. Unable to keep their six-year-old daughter out of school any longer, DavidPaul and Candace transformed their in-person workshop into a 30-Day Course so their 5-step process for hearing God's voice could continue to reach more and more people.

For information about how to access and hear this Divine Consciousness that you are in a very clear and recognizable way, click The Voice for Love for more information about the Doyle's book, or click How to Hear God's Voice for more information about their 30-Day Course.

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"Thank You! I am really overwhelmed by your How to Hear the Voice of God course! THIS is what I have been waiting for, and I'm only on Lesson 11! I now have the Inner Peace I’ve been seeking for the past 51 years!"
- Jan Westerhof, Holland
"I personally found your instructions on how to quiet the mind chatter and get in touch with the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be the most helpful and transformative I’ve ever been given."
- Rev. Georgie Richardson, Unity Church of Salem, OR
"This 30-Day Course on hearing God's voice will change your life. The act of DOING these exercises, rather than listening to them, really brings the experience home. The Presence of God is now with me at all times, and I can call on this Voice throughout my day!"
- Donna Slawsky, New York
"This 30-Day Course has been one of the greatest blessings I've ever received in my life. Hearing God's Voice and living with Him in my mind has changed my way of seeing everyone and everything. Don't let this get away from you. "
- Chuck Okerstrom, Florida
"Your fabulous exercise on extending Love is the most profound thing I have ever heard! I am pure happiness and joy. I am 59 years old and I feel like a newborn baby!"
- Jacques Lepeigneux, France
"Wow! Quite Powerful! Transforming. I cried so slob-beringly. Thank You!"
- Stacie Bulton
"It's just wonderful. I'm only on Day 9, and it has already changed my life!"
- Jason Reagan
" I want you to know how much these lessons mean to me. I just ask what to do about a problem, and the answer is there. It's almost like someone is living in me! Love is the most powerful tool, and you are helping people find that!"
- Rose Gagnon
"Your 3 Keys to hearing God's Voice on Days 16 and 17 were soooooooo wowing! Now I am fully aware and can use this connection consciously."
- Denny Postings, United Kingdom
"You cannot imagine what your 30-Day Course means to me. Today is Good Friday and for the first time I heard God speak while meditating in church. I am deeply grateful."
- Irene Freda, Dumont, NJ
"I'm a 64 year old woman. When I did the exercise yesterday of extending love I ended up feeling giddy. People will now have to forgive me for smiling and laughing so much. I deeply appreciate you, your book, your website, and the Voice for God 30 Day Program. Thank you!"
- Joanne Willson, ID
"It is Day 19 on your 30-Day Course.I feel a Peace inside me I have not felt in quite some time. I just feel all this incredible Love inside me and all I want to do is extend it outward. I feel like exploding because I can't get the words out fast enough. Thank you so much!"
- Marc Grecco, NY
"My wife and I just finished your How to Hear God's Voice 30-Day Course. We are telling our friends about it. We're both starting to get results from having our own conversations. Marisa is getting profound answers from her questions. This is amazing stuff! Thank you!"
- Randie Rabideau, Canada
"I bought your 30-Day Course on how to hear God's Voice, and ate it up! I have been doing Holy Spirit journal work ever since. When I re-read what Holy Spirit has written, I am always amazed. Thank you for your amazingly simple technique!"
- Philip Metzler, Washington
" Your How to Hear the Voice of God 30-Day Course has been so very enlightening. I am practicing my conversations with God and the results have been eye opening to say the least. Thank you!"
- Carlos Ochoa, Ponder, TX
"I loved your program! Now I can hear an answer when I ask God a question. I can focus more and I get to that quiet place in my mind. Thanks you!"
- Ruthann Schmudde, IL
"I want you to know that I've read your books and followed the 30 day program. WHEN I ask, I get the most incredible messages, some of which would blow my socks off! I feel like I'm living in a 'happy dream.'"
- Lainie, Afton, OK
"The very first exercise I did to hear this Voice—BAM! It was there! I now know that in my darkest times I am able to connect with this Voice and see things differently. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- Robyne Harrington, WA
"This has been an amazing process! In just a few short hours, I've learned how to go within and hear the Voice of God within me. I now know that with the tools I've learned I can become quiet and "tune-in" to hearing God's Voice very quickly. Thank you!"
- Suzanne Baker, Fort Collins, CO
"I still haven't finished all 30 days, but I've had great results already. I am now able to connect with the Holy Spirit quite easily. Many thanks for the invaluable help that your book and CD's have been to me!"
- Colin Corkill, New Zealand